KingBean Archive
Documenting and archiving live grind, punk and unpopular music from Melbourne and beyond. Since 2002.
Nothing on this website is for sale. TRADE ONLY.
--------------------------KINGBEAN AT HOTMAIL DOT COM (please include REF# with shows)
Bloody hell... ridiculously busy year.
Live music bounced back HARD after the 2020/2021 lockdowns, and if I thought 2022 was healthy... 2023 stepped it up another notch.
I had a slow start to the year, but my extended stay in Japan got things rolling and it didn't stop once I got back to Australia.
Around September, I started wondering if I could hit 183 for the year, which would average out to one gig every two days for the entire year. But before I knew it, 183 was a sure thing and 200 became the target. A whopping November/December saw me over the line: 59 shows in those two months alone!
I've been filming a proverbial fuckload of shows this year, across a wide range of genres. I think it's captured a really exciting time in the Melbourne music scene, even if it is only my experience of it. I had to leave the camera at home and give myself a break a few times, but my audio recorder was always with me. Can't stop. Won't stop.
I'm still working through an enormous backlog of my 2023 videos to post to YouTube, as well as 1000+ videos from Bill Carra's MiniDV Archive, Dave Destruction's VHS Archive, my own 2004-2012 MiniDV Archive (these early tapes have never been posted online in full, or at all) and an assortment of other VHS treasures that have come my way for digitisation.
Thanks to everyone who's supported me, encouraged me, shared my videos, helped me out with desk audio, said g'day at a show... it all means a lot!
The world's completely fucked at the moment and sometimes what I do can feel so insignificant, but I know it's still important to keep doing it.
Live music bounced back HARD after the 2020/2021 lockdowns, and if I thought 2022 was healthy... 2023 stepped it up another notch.
I had a slow start to the year, but my extended stay in Japan got things rolling and it didn't stop once I got back to Australia.
Around September, I started wondering if I could hit 183 for the year, which would average out to one gig every two days for the entire year. But before I knew it, 183 was a sure thing and 200 became the target. A whopping November/December saw me over the line: 59 shows in those two months alone!
I've been filming a proverbial fuckload of shows this year, across a wide range of genres. I think it's captured a really exciting time in the Melbourne music scene, even if it is only my experience of it. I had to leave the camera at home and give myself a break a few times, but my audio recorder was always with me. Can't stop. Won't stop.
I'm still working through an enormous backlog of my 2023 videos to post to YouTube, as well as 1000+ videos from Bill Carra's MiniDV Archive, Dave Destruction's VHS Archive, my own 2004-2012 MiniDV Archive (these early tapes have never been posted online in full, or at all) and an assortment of other VHS treasures that have come my way for digitisation.
Thanks to everyone who's supported me, encouraged me, shared my videos, helped me out with desk audio, said g'day at a show... it all means a lot!
The world's completely fucked at the moment and sometimes what I do can feel so insignificant, but I know it's still important to keep doing it.
--------------------------Since the pandemic hit Australia, I've been able to get through a huge amount of shows that had been piling up over the years. 1,366 shows have been added to this site since April 2020..! I'm up to date with my master recordings for the first time in probably 10 or so years, and my hard drive is tidier than ever (though still quite a few shows to work through).
In addition to this, I've been working through re-capturing all my old MiniDV tapes, as well as other people's, and digitising a lot of VHS tapes. I finally had the spare time to properly research and wrap my ahead around a lot of analogue video processes and concepts. I've acquired some new pieces of equipment, and can now digitise these tapes with confidence they're getting done properly.
So, with thousands of tapes to get through, there'll be lots of 'new old' stuff popping up over the coming months and years. I've added a new section to the menu on the left to highlight these collections, and also added a new page (linked in top menu) to highlight some of the mind-blowing VHS packaging designs!
In addition to this, I've been working through re-capturing all my old MiniDV tapes, as well as other people's, and digitising a lot of VHS tapes. I finally had the spare time to properly research and wrap my ahead around a lot of analogue video processes and concepts. I've acquired some new pieces of equipment, and can now digitise these tapes with confidence they're getting done properly.
So, with thousands of tapes to get through, there'll be lots of 'new old' stuff popping up over the coming months and years. I've added a new section to the menu on the left to highlight these collections, and also added a new page (linked in top menu) to highlight some of the mind-blowing VHS packaging designs!
JUNE 2020
---------------------MiniDV master collection added to archive: Azza's Mazters: 122 recordings from the master MiniDV tapes.

APRIL 2020
----------------------I've finally given this site a long-needed overhaul. It's primarily designed for desktop viewing but should work reasonably well on mobile as well. Some info has been removed from the mobile version, so access on a desktop for full listing information.
I'll likely continue to tinker with the design, but now I'll focus on using the lockdown to finally get through the enormous backlog of shows I have all over my hard drive, desk, shelves and closet.
I'll likely continue to tinker with the design, but now I'll focus on using the lockdown to finally get through the enormous backlog of shows I have all over my hard drive, desk, shelves and closet.
--------------------------------Another year, another several hundred files waiting to be processed... I'm no longer making a new HTML file for every recording I have, they'll just be listed on the individual band pages. Maybe I can finally get up to date?
--------------------------------I've got 1,042 wave files (and counting!) on my hard drive waiting to be normalised, given track markers, split into individual files and archived to flac... the time it takes to do each one of these is too much, I'll be dead before I'm done. Rather than let them build up and up for eternity, I'm no longer doing any track splitting or setlists. Single file archiving - enjoy!
--------------------------After years of authoring every show I film onto DVD/bluray with full menus and chapters and dual audio tracks, the perilously high stacks of DV tapes and complete lack of interest in trading these days has finally convinced me to just back up everything as digital files. I had a good 30-month backlog of shows and DV tapes to get through so fuck it. I will now be using this as more of an archive than a trading page, and anything I film will be posted on YouTube, in full. I'm still keen for trades though, so please get in touch if you want something I've got, or you've got something I might like.
-----------------------------I have recently backed up ALL of my master recordings digitally and I will no longer trade shows burnt as an audio CD. I have everything in FLAC format and will trade data discs containing the files. The benefit of this is I can fit multiple shows onto one disc. DVDs are all burnt from .iso files.
I will slowly work at getting not just my masters but my entire collection digitised to be traded in this way. I am still happy to receive shows in whatever way you've got them.
I will slowly work at getting not just my masters but my entire collection digitised to be traded in this way. I am still happy to receive shows in whatever way you've got them.
MAY 2007
-------------------This list is not now, and probably never will be, 100% complete. I have been trying for a good year to get my list totally updated before putting it online but I haven't been successful, so here it is in a perpetual state of updating. I'll try to keep it updated monthly but we'll just have to see how that turns out...
--------------------------------Recordings are not for sale. If you don't have any shows to trade just email me and we can sort something out.
Shows are listed as follows:
Any grades should be used as a rough guide only. I grade pretty much all my masters A-/A unless they are particularly average.
I use Verbatim media and don't want to receive shitty quality discs in trades.
Discs are burnt on a Samsung SH-S223C at 4x (DVD) or 16x (CD). A Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D was used prior to August 2010.
All my DVD masters are fully chaptered and most have two audio tracks (external audio/camera audio).
As of December 2006, all DVD entries now include detailed bitrate/aspect ratio/audio information obtained via GSpot. Blu-ray discs get their info via BDInfo.
Shows are listed as follows:
ref# // date // VENUE, town, state, country // [format] // duration // source // grade // notesIf the source is Sony MZR 900 > CD-R/M > CD-R/2 then it means that MY copy of the show is the second gen CD-R, copied from the first gen CD-R, copied from the master CD-R. Therefore your copy would be CD-R/3.
Any grades should be used as a rough guide only. I grade pretty much all my masters A-/A unless they are particularly average.
I use Verbatim media and don't want to receive shitty quality discs in trades.
Discs are burnt on a Samsung SH-S223C at 4x (DVD) or 16x (CD). A Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D was used prior to August 2010.
All my DVD masters are fully chaptered and most have two audio tracks (external audio/camera audio).
As of December 2006, all DVD entries now include detailed bitrate/aspect ratio/audio information obtained via GSpot. Blu-ray discs get their info via BDInfo.