1742 |
2013.11.02 |
The Gasometer Upstairs |
Collingwood, VIC, Australia |
.flac |
25:24 |
Alicia Slay |
Single cardioid mic > 4 track (2 inputs) Tascam digital recorder |
Sound Studio > .wav > TLH > .flac (lvl 8) |
Maggot Fest Vol. 4 // Leather Lickers, Flesh Police, Encounter Group, The Clits, Bloodrule, Split Teeth, Velvet Whip, Simfuckers, Gutter Gods, Constant Mongrel, Soma Coma, Rort, Oily Boys, Lakes, Straightjacket Nation |
3222 |
2013.11.02 |
The Gasometer Upstairs |
Collingwood, VIC, Australia |
bd-r |
25:04 |
KingBean |
Canon HV30 (HD, TV mode [1/50 shutter speed]) > TDK miniDV |
Video: TDK miniDV > IEEE 1394 > HDV Split 0.77 (capture) > .m2t
Audio track 1: Single cardioid mic > 4 track (2 inputs) Tascam digital recorder
Audio track 2: Canon HV30 built-in mic
BD-R: .m2t and .wav files > Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (editing, audio sync) > Adobe Dynamic Link > Adobe Encore CS5 (authoring, chapters, encoding) > Bluray .iso (15.0gb) |
Maggot Fest Vol. 4, Disc 2: Bloodrule, Split Teeth, Simfuckers, Gutter Gods, Constant Mongrel. |
Maggot Fest Vol. 4. // Leather Lickers, Flesh Police, Encounter Group, The Clits, Bloodrule, Split Teeth, Velvet Whip, Simfuckers, Gutter Gods, Constant Mongrel, Soma Coma, Rort, Oily Boys, Lakes, Straightjacket Nation |